Sunday, May 17, 2020

Global Warming And Its Effects On Our World - 1578 Words

Luis Garza Nancy Hall WRC 1023 – 0P2 15 September 2014 Another Way To Die In many recent years there has been a great development in fuel technology, more and more money is being invested into finding greener sources of energy. However even if the research is in the way there is a problem that must be addressed first for it is the source of the pollution that is affecting our world. That issue is over dependence and extreme consumption of fossil fuels. First-world countries are partly responsible for hindering third-world development, because countries like the United States’ over dependence on fossil fuels has gone uncontrolled. For the past century many companies have developed methods to utilize fuel in a more efficient way, but with†¦show more content†¦Figure 1 shows that in the past 50 years the total use of petroleum and coal as sources of energy, and CO2 ¬ , have increased 190% from it’s value in 1960, going from 29.04 BTU to Figure 1 The graph shows the consumption of fuels by decade from 1960 – 2 009 in the U.S. Showing the increase in the use of fossil fuels in the last half century. Source U.S. Energy Information Administration 55.03 BTU and when coupled in 2009 they account for 58.2% of the total energy consumption in the United States. Figure 1, however, only shows the data available from the United States, but if in the US the consumption is so high the how will it be in countries like China or India that are more densely populated and as such consume more energy. Considering that the sources for their energy must be very similar if not the same than the sources in the United States, then this creates a very grim picture for the world. With so many countries consuming energy with no apparent control the world keeps getting more and more contaminated and the while effects are minimal in first-world countries, where they can even be neglected, third-world countries are not so lucky. In third-world countries located in Africa, where most of the population is malnourished and impoverished, even the smallest change in climate has a deep effect on their lives; Nicholas Kristof tells of an interview he gave to a scientist, who has spent years researching, in Africa about the effects that

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